January 31, 2010

Lessons Learned in Retail. Part 5.

All things come to an end.

Even on the worst days, even when working a job that deadens my creativity and restless spirit, I can look in the mirror and tell myself, "This isn't it. This isn't everything."

There is no such thing as a dead-end job, there are only drivers who get a little too comfortable in neutral. I'm about ready to pull the drive shaft back and let my foot hit the pedal again.

My stint in retail is not over yet, but it's heading in a new direction with a Robbie as my business partner, in a new city and with a chance to take some real ownership of my store, my employees and my life outside work. Running my own business these last few months has meant long hours, scrimping on expenses and putting my "life" on hold just to try to turn a few pennies into dimes.

The hard work paid off, but I'm ready to stop working hard and start playing hard again. What this will mean only the future will tell, but it's time for me to take my future back into my own hands. Can't wait!

Work no longer will be everything, but will be instead the means to an end. Stay tuned for what end will come. San Francisco, here we come.

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