May 3, 2010

Seven Days

As surely as there were seven days of creation, there were also seven days of decimation. On the first day God created light, but He also left the darkness.

He created sky and sea and land, but really that's all just the thin shell of a ball of molten lava hurtling through infinite space in an endless elliptical orbit.

He created the animals, but gave them brains the size of peanuts and made them delicious.

Eventually, He made people, but gave us brains too big. We have figured too much out. We have figured out incredibly efficient ways of killing one another. We have figured out the exact mileage to the moon and the sun. We have figured out the perfect ratio of peanut butter to jelly in between two slices of Wonderbread.

He made us self-important on this tiny planet; and He's been waiting around for us to figure out how miniscule and purposeless we are. The great narrative of humankind is slowly realizing we are not as great as we think. In the meantime, we keep building bombs and telescopes and genetically-altered animals. Onward, humans, to the final day.

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